Creative Therapy for Children & Adolescents

1 in 6 children in the United States ages 2-8 years old has a diagnosed mental, behavioral or developmental disorder, such as ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, or Autism. In the 2 – 17 age range the number is 1 in 10. Research shows that early intervention for children is best because it maximally impacts the tremendously flexible developing child brain; and thus allows children to benefit maximally from intervention


Movement Therapy is a natural therapeutic intervention for children with mental, behavioral or developmental disorders. This is because in the first two years while the foundation of the brain is still forming, babies store all of their social, physical and emotional memories as non-verbal muscle memories, in the body.  This method of storing memories in the muscles and as emotions continues throughout life, but lessens as we get older. This means that, later if a child struggles with emotional, social or behavioral challenges, then interventions such as movement therapy- that are body- and muscle-based -can best access-,  re-set-, heal, and improve-on childhood muscle memories. 

Children who have ADHD can benefit naturally from movement therapy interventions because they can re-train their body to properly regulate emotions and the body. Children with trauma or negative experiences (such as attachment problems, parental divorce, neglect) and who have “stored” their bad experiences as muscle memories; can benefit significantly from it by helping to access, and heal their body.

CBT can help children as young as 2 years old decrease sadness or anxiety, by engaging in play that promotes mastery and good experiences, and that teaches positive self-messages. Therapists will play games with children that help them experience the connection between positive self-messages and good feelings. Therapists will play similar games to help children work with negative self-messages that make them feel bad or anxious. Cognitive Behavior Therapy can also help children tell the story of why they might feel good or bad through self-expression games. Once children have learned the connection between thoughts and feelings, and have told their story: the therapist is then in a position to help children create new and more helpful self-messages which will help them feel better. This form of therapy is also helpful for children who have early traumatic experiences or who have anxiety.

My Qualifications

Due to my experiences as a therapist and a former genetics research scientist, I have many skills and a wide, integrated knowledge base. These tools make my treatment effective.

1. I am very sensitive to small muscular, mood-based changes in the body. This allows me to help you catch your emotions early and intervene quickly. For example, if I am working with a child with “explosive” emotions, I can detect anger-based changes well before the child is able to do so. This means I can teach them the early signs of their anger, and help them implement coping skills early enough to prevent explosive anger.

2. I am kind, patient, and can always find the good in people, and (where needed) in situations. This ability of mine engenders hope and self-confidence in people who may need to work hard to manage difficult situations and stressors.

3. I am creative. I do not rely only on the tools that are out there. Every person is unique, and my creativity allows me to design and build unique tools that match the needs of each of my clients when the existing tools are insufficient.

4. I am determined.I do not give up when faced with a challenge. Instead I trust in my skills, intelligence, insights, experience, creativity and tools, to find what works.

5. Finally, I am fun. I use humor and playfulness to help my clients have a good experience while learning the skills that are needed; and my clients respond well.

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